Friday, 16 September 2011

Who doesn't like a pat on the back right?

Hi ,

When surveying our membership, it's always wonderful to read the
positive feedback.

Who doesn't like a pat on the back right?

But as a business owner, I also need to know what's not
working for our customers too.

We read every single survey response and take your suggestions to heart.
We're learning a lot from you about the activities at BetterPhoto and how
you'd like things to improve.

Here's a sampling of what you want:

Explanation about the good aspects of the selected pictures (Photo of the Day)

I would definitely miss the contest if not available.

I would like to see more how to's.

I wish there were increased opportunities to learn more at lower prices

Video tutorials on different subjects

It's our vision to "help photographers feel free to be creative
and improve their skills, and have fun doing it."

We're listening and implementing your ideas.
Our team's on the home stretch to finishing up our latest learning tool!

More soon!

With appreciation,

Jim Miotke, Owner, Inc.

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