Tuesday, 6 September 2011

SnapShot #541 - Big Course Sale! Exposure Technique for Raw Capture! What About Vignetting?

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
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Q&A 1: Organizing Images...

"Thank you for all the help you have given me! I really enjoyed the class, and it has given me a whole new direction in my photography." -Gilli Martin, student in An Introduction to Photographic Lighting with John Siskin


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What about Vignetting?
By Susan and Neil Silverman
There are good and bad vignettes. Bad is when the filter or lens hood of the camera is in the frame of the image and there are dark hard corners in the photo.
Good vignetting is accomplished by a photo editing program, and softly and gradually shades or darkens the edges of the image. This is very subtle and holds the viewer's eyes within the image and keeps the attention on the subject.
Oftentimes, we might suggest that this be done to an image, as it can be really a fine tuning to make an image all the stronger. It was a style often used with old portraits. A good vignette will not be detected by the viewer; but it will just be one of those finishing touches that very often makes a photo jump right out.
- Editor's Note: For more details on the Silvermans, check out their Pro BetterPholio website: thesilvermansphotography.com.

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Circles and lines
© - Stephen A. Liverman

Welcome to the 541st issue of SnapShot!

BetterPhoto's next school session kicks off this Wednesday, September 7th, with a terrific lineup of online photography courses. But more great news: We're having a huge sale!! Get $20 off on your next 4-week photography class. Just enter Fall20 into the "Gift Card Code" field on the Checkout Page. But you must hurry, since school begins tomorrow! These courses are fully interactive. See the school schedule here... ... In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss instructor Peter Burian's excellent article ( Exposure Technique for Raw Capture) and the insightful Photo Tip ("What about Vignetting?") by the awesome instructor team of Susan and Neil Silverman. ... That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Updates From BetterPhoto

What is the best technique for getting ideal exposures when shooting Raw photos with a DSLR? BetterPhoto instructor Peter Burian provides a compelling answer with photos! One of the best benefits of being a Masterpiece or Basic member, a student, or a Deluxe/Pro owner is access to the BetterPhoto Forum. Simply click the "Discussions/Q&A" tab in your Member Center. What an exciting goal that Ansel Adams had: Create a masterpiece every month! Now BetterPhoto is paying homage to this legendary photographer with our Masterpiece of the Month Membership.

Photo Q&A

1: Organizing Images
I just made the plunge and purchased Lightroom. As I'm learning the tool, I'm rethinking my organization strategy. I keep both my Raw files and my JPEGs, and sometimes even the Photoshop version if I've done a lot a work on the image. So far, I've kept these in different directories, with basically the same structure. So I'll have my Raw files in RAW\2011\20110303_xxx, and I'll have the JPEGs in PRINTS\2011\20110303_xxx. But now I'm thinking about putting everything into one, and just call it IMAGES\2011\20110303_xxx.
Hopefully this makes sense. Do most of you keep your Raw files and JPEGs together? Or separately?
- Pat Harry
Hi Pat,
I don't have Lightroom, but I learned a long time ago what works for me (and not necessarily for someone else). When I download my stuff (I shoot in Raw) from the card, it goes immediately into a file called Archive/year/main-place-or-subject. Then I back this up to an external drive divided the same way. Archive also contains the scans of old slides.
Then I copy the files I want to work in Photoshop to another section called Main, which I divide the same way as Archive, often with more subdivisions within the subject. So Main is PSDs, or about-to-be PSDs. To me, Archive and Main are the important ones - the equivalent of my old negatives - and I back up my work in Main as it goes along.
Finally, for the little stuff - JPEGs and TIFFs - I have a third section called Submissions (for want of a better title) and this section is divided into the destinations of the images: a BetterP hoto file, an e-mail file, etc. This section I don't fuss about too much because I can always reconstitute a JPEG or a TIFF from the PSs in my Main section.
What's most important is being able to find stuff easily years after you've filed it. And to make backups a snap. Success depends on finding what works best for the way you yourself function.
- Kay Beausoleil
Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com

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