Thursday, 6 January 2011

Top Ten Photography New Year's Resolutions...

The beginning of the year is always a great time to look ahead,
and this sure applies to photographers!

For myself, one goal has been to come up with a self-paced
"starter" course that's filled with information, inspiration, and
value. We are putting the finishing touches on this exciting
project, which is targeted to total beginners but also those
hobbyists who want to refresh their knowledge. This clear and
easy guide consists of an ebook, along with fun videos to
reinforce the fundamental skills and encourage you to get
out shooting.

Speaking of motivation, here's a list of Top Ten New Year's
Resolutions for Photographers:

1) Stop letting resistance get in the way of taking more photos.

2) Start carrying a camera everywhere.

3) Slow down and work the subject. Try different angles, views,
lenses, etc.

4) Gain an understanding of the basics of exposure. In other
words, learn how to venture beyond all-auto.

5) Begin getting the focusing right - every time!

6) Discover the ins and outs of white balance and ISO.

7) Learn all about composition - the rules and the exceptions.

8) Start paying attention to the quality of light.

9) Get a handle on depth of field: what it is, how to control it,
and how to use it to your creative advantage.

10) Start experimenting regularly: shoot subjects outside your
comfort zone, try different techniques, vary your viewpoint, etc.

These concepts are covered in my upcoming self-guided
photography course. Stay tuned for the exciting details...


Jim Miotke

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