Thursday, 20 January 2011

Digital Darkroom #94 - Learn Photoshop Online! Nik Efex HDR Pro Review; Grunge Textures; Photo Discussions

The Digital Darkroom - Free Monthly Newsletter for Digital Photographers

Welcome to the 94th issue of the Digital Darkroom


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In this issue of Digital Darkroom, we feature the awesome work of two top BetterPhoto instructors: Jim Zuckerman ("Getting Creative in Photoshop - Grunge Textures") and Deborah Sandidge ("HDR Efex Pro: 'New Kid on the Block' for HDR").

That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager

Newsletter Editor

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In This Issue: Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Featured Photo: Abstract Mums

Abstract Mums
Abstract Mums
F/18 - 6 sec. - ISO 100 - 90 mm - RAW, AP
Photo of mums. Effect: Adobes Pixel Bender/Circle Splash
Cat.: DD

© Evy Johansen

Canon EOS 5D Mark ...


Featured Article: Getting Creative in Photoshop - Grunge Textures
Jim Zuckerman - a BetterPhoto instructor - has been experimenting with various textures that are available online. "The results can be pretty amazing". Check out Jim Z's how-to Photoshop article with tips and photos!

Digital Before and After

Lesson for the day... I had so much fun with this!

Read about how this was done...

Shooting Star
Shooting Star
Original version.

© Patricia A. Stalter

Each month, the best Before and After will be featured in the Digital Darkroom.

To participate, upload a Before (original) picture then start a discussion on it (using the Discuss This Photo link under the picture). After telling us how you did created the effect, select "1" or "2" from the Upload Image pull-down menu, and submit an optional intermediate image and a final (After) photo. Aim to educate and inspire by sharing a concise, detailed explanation of your technique. Enjoy!


Nik HDR Efex Pro: 'New Kid on the Block' for HDR

BetterPhoto instructor Deborah Sandidge describes - and shows! - why she calls Nik HDR Efex Pro the "new kid on the block for HDR" (High Dynamic Range) processing.  Learn more in this Nik HDR Efex Pro review...


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Get Pro Feedback on Your Photos!

Get Pro Feedback on Your Photos!Our online photography courses are truly MOTIVATING! BetterPhoto's classes are by far the best way to hone your photographic skills - you'll love the direct interaction with master photographers, the personal feedback, and the flexible method of instruction. You'll get direct access to REAL PROS.

The next session kicks off February 2nd, but if you enroll now, you can get started with an early lesson.

 Find out the details about BetterPhoto's online digital photography school...


New Photo Discussions

New Photo Discussion 1: Robins

Composite of two photos, the robin photo had both robins in it, taken 1-15-2011, Exp 1/60sec, F5.6, ISO320, FL240mm, Pattern Metering, the sky photo, which did have the moon in it, was taken 9-9-09, Exp 1/800, F8, ISO640, FL300mm, Used layers and filters in photoshop (Digital Darkroom)

© Linda A. Braddock

Nikon D700 Digital...
Very Nicely Done Linda!!
- John Rivera

See John's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Excellent, Linda! Beautiful work!
- Sarah A. Christian

See Sarah's Basic BetterPholio™

Visit - Sarah's Deluxe BetterPholio™

Response 2:Beautiful DD work, Linda.
- Michelle Alton

See Michelle's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 3:Wonderful composition, Linda...they appear to be conversing in Robin lingo. Wonderful treatment!!
- Freddy L. Bland

See Freddy's Basic BetterPholio™

Visit - Freddy's Deluxe BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 2: St.Josephat

Designed by architect Erhard Brielmaier to resemble St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

© Leslie McLain

Canon EOS 5D Mark ...
Leslie - really nice work here. Love the detail you've captured. Mind sharing a little about how you produced this? Thanks - Martin
- Martin Cregg

See Martin's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:This is a HDR image (processed in Photomatix). I'm guessing at least 4 or 5 images.
- Leslie McLain

See Leslie's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 3: Cowboy Grit II

Cowboy Grit II
Cowboy Grit II
Photographed using window lighting with a reflector. Edited
and textures applied in PSCS5.

© Carrie M. Groseclose

Canon EOS 50D Digi...
Hi Carrie. Happy New Year! Beautiful portrait as all of your work is. You are the master.
- Dave Montero

See Dave's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Outstanding work with this portrait, Carrie! Jeff
- Jeff W. Robinson

See Jeff 's Basic BetterPholio™

Visit - Jeff 's Deluxe BetterPholio™

Response 2:I so enjoy the beauty of the portrait work that you do. The look has its own look, one sees one of these pictures and knows that it belongs to Carrie. I think that is awesome. The tones really impress me, I love the lighting, the textures, and the colors and tones, while beautiful, not overbearing. Love the hat, the look, the pose. Gorgeous work my friend.
- frank w. degenhardt

See frank's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 4: Crypt Chapel

Crypt Chapel
Crypt Chapel
Bethlehem Chapel in the lower (crypt) level at Washington National Cathedral. 3 exposure HDR combination plus Topaz Adjust filters.
Construction for the cathedral began in this chapel in 1907, and while the chapel was complete in 5 years, the building took 83 years to finish.
The vast majority of the building is 14th century English style gothic, while this chapel is designed as 13th century English gothic.

© Christopher J. Budny
Canon EOS 7D Digit...
simply fantastic
- Joy Rector

See Joy's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Your series of photos of the National Cathedral are simply magnificent. You have a great sense of composition, and capture the ornate detail with wonderful artistry. You may be able to accumulate enough of these to publish your own photo book. Do tourist have the ability to shoot this type of scene without people present?
- Richard B. Hallick

See Richard's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 2:Thank you all very much! I've done a few photo books for myself and family... Given how many images of the cathedral I've made over the years, perhaps I should consider a book just for that!

Richard - Yes, visitors do have the ability to capture these scenes without people present, but it takes a little luck. This was shot New Year's Day, which definitely helped thin the crowds. Still, I had to wait for a strolling couple to leave the room, but had a few minutes before the next visitors came in...
- Christopher J. Budny

See Christopher's Basic BetterPholio™

Visit - Christopher's Deluxe BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 5: Sun & Clouds

Sun & Clouds
Sun & Clouds
HB Pier, So. Cal.

© Erica Murphy

Canon EOS 1D MarkI...
This is stunning! Beautiful sky . Fabulous composition with the dock! Just a beautiful image all around!
- Mary Timman

See Mary's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Erica,
This is a great photo. Needs to be put on a wall. What, if any post-processing did you do to this photo? It looks amazing. Almost not real.. Was it done in HDR? The colors are just fabulous.
- Chris Schofield

See Chris's Basic BetterPholio™

Visit - Chris's Deluxe BetterPholio™

Response 2:Thanks so much for the nice comments Mary, Deb and Chris.
It's a 5-exposure HDR image Chris using Photomatix software. The light was just amazing peaking through the storm clouds.
- Erica Murphy

See Erica's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 3:Thanks so much Kathleen, Jeff, and Linda! Yep, it's all about the light and you can't really fake that part in a landscape shot.
- Erica Murphy

See Erica's Basic BetterPholio™

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The Next Step: Where to Go From Here

Until next time, thanks for reading and keep having fun with photography!
Jim Miotke, Inc.


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