Wednesday, 5 January 2011

PhotoFlash #93 - Classes Kick Off Today! Soft Light of Shade and Overcast; Photo Discussions

PhotoFlash - Free Monthly Newsletter for 35mm Film Photographers

Welcome to the 93rd issue of PhotoFlash


I trust you had a wonderful holiday season and are all set for a terrific 2011! At BetterPhoto, the new year means the launch of an exciting online school session of 4-week courses and 8-week classes. These online photography and Photoshop courses give you personal interaction with top pros, along with the great convenience of the Web. Classes are just getting under way, and some courses are filling up, so enroll today! See our January school schedule...

In this issue of PhotoFlash, be sure to read the Featured Article ("The Value of Shooting in Soft Light - Shade or Overcast") by Jim Zuckerman. Also, we have an outstanding collection of inspiring photo discussions.

That's it for now. Enjoy the new year, and have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

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In This Issue: Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Featured Photo: Brown Swirls

Brown Swirls
Brown Swirls
F/14, S/S 1 sec,ISO 100, FL 12mm, lens Canon 10-22mm,

© Nick Lagos

Canon EOS 30D Digi...


Featured Article: The Value of Shooting in Soft Light - Shade or Overcast
In the studio, points out instructor Jim Zuckerman, pro photographers spend a lot of money reducing contrast. But you can get the same effect by shooting outdoors in the shade or on a white-sky day. Says Jim Z: "The soft ambient light wraps around a subject in a way that is flattering and artistic. The contrast is low, and this helps bring out the subtlety in color and detail." Read Jim's excellent photo article here...


Get Certified by BetterPhoto!

Get Certified by BetterPhoto!The BetterPhoto certification program has launched. Get rewarded for your photography efforts with credit and credentials from the worldwide leader in online photography education!

This certification process is an investment in yourself and your photography.

  Learn more about photography certification...


Be an Ambassador - and Make Money!

Be an Ambassador - and Make Money!Become a BetterPhoto Ambassador today, and make money in return!

With this new affiliate program, you simply post links and adds on your own website that encourage people to visit BetterPhoto. When a visitor finds through your website, and then makes a purchase, you will be awarded a commission.

Now how awesome is that!?!

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MVBP Rewards: Our Gift to You!

BetterPhoto has a "frequent flier" program for courses! For every five online photo classes you take, you receive a 50% discount on your next course.   See more about MVBP...


New Photo Discussions

New Photo Discussion 1: Sand And Shadows

Sand And Shadows
Sand And Shadows
Shot at the Newport Beach Pier at sundown. Another large format film shot of coastal scenes I have been working on for the last three months. The lab guys added just the perfect amount of ferricyanide and time on this image.

© Lonnie M. Scott

Linhof Technika 45...
Another beauty from the Linhof! I would love a medium/large format, I will have to make do with shooting my d90 at iso 1600 and converting! And using fuji neopan in my film bodies of course (35mm) :-(
- Chris N. Sweet

See Chris's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Thanks again Chris!! I do have good film cameras and lenses but I give a whole lot of credit to my lab and my film choices. I only use Ilford Delta 100 & 400 sheet & roll and sometimes HP4 Plus. Ilford is totally unsurpassed in exceptions!! You can buy medium and large format cameras now dirt cheap....Hasselblad, Mamiya,Linhof etc and lenses to boot. are doing a great job in my opinion with your cameras. Keep up the great work and LONG LIVE FILM!!!!!!!
- Lonnie M. Scott

See Lonnie's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 2: Happy New Year

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
17-85mm w/tripod
Zooming during long exposure
In-camera effect.
Normal image in discussion.

© Kenny S. Metro

Canon EOS 7D Digit...

Response 1:Great shots, Ken!
- Amy Jackson

See Amy's Basic BetterPholio™

Visit - Amy's Deluxe BetterPholio™

Response 2:Very cool.
- Phyllis Burchett

See Phyllis's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 3: Battery Point Lighthouse #2

Battery Point Lighthouse #2
Battery Point Lighthouse #2

© Anne McKinnell

Canon EOS 7D Digit...
WOW!!! Anne, this is spectacular!!! I'm blown away by how beautiful it is and have no idea how you captured but glad you did :)

Some of your recent images are my favourite photos. Great photography, my friend!
Wishing you and yours a Blessed New Year!!!
- Sharon

See Sharon's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Thank you very much, Sharon! It was an amazing sunset that night and when I took this shot they just turned on the lights that lit up the lighthouse. Thank you very much your compliment, I really appreciate it.
- Anne McKinnell

See Anne's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 4: Birch Saplings

Birch Saplings
Birch Saplings
In camera blur technique to create a painterly look.

© Heather Pickard

Nikon D80 Digital ...
Hi Heather,
Hope you had a nice Christmas.
I wonder how you did this in-camera. The only blur technique I know of is zooming in and out, and this doesn't look like that technique.
Best of everything for the new year.
- Beth W. DeBor

See Beth's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:It's nice to hear from you, Beth. For the Birch photos, I experimented with getting a pleasing blur by trying settings that gave me a slow shutter speed and by moving the camera during the exposure. With the camera mounted on a tripod, I would release the shutter and at the same time tilt the camera in a fluid motion vertically to blur the long vertical lines of the trees. It takes a little practice, but was fun to try.
- Heather Pickard

See Heather's Basic BetterPholio™

Visit - Heather's Deluxe BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 5: Lights, Lady, Lobby

Lights, Lady, Lobby
Lights, Lady, Lobby
1 second exposure with moving subject

© Luigi Di Serio

Nikon D50 Digital ...
Very interesting, Luigi. How did you do that?

- Usman Bajwa

See Usman's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Thanks UB... It was by luck lol

No, I actually just put the camera on the ground and had a longer exposure while she was in position. Then well the shutter was still opened I told her to get up and walk away. This was the result! Like I said, luck. Cheers!

- Luigi Di Serio

See Luigi's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 6: Cloud fingers

Cloud fingers
Cloud fingers
Beach at Rubjerg Knude, Denmark

© Niels Sandal

Olympus Evolt E500...
Congratulations on your very deserving finalist! 8O)
- Nancyj Hovey

See Nancyj's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:It is my honor to congratulate and celebrate your award for November, 2010. Merna
- Merna L. Nobile

See Merna's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 2:Thanks a lot, Nancyj and Merna. It was taken on a late afternoon where the sky was changing from time to time from sun to clouded during the sunset.
- Niels Sandal

See Niels's Basic BetterPholio™

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The Next Step: Where to Go From Here

Until next time, thanks for reading and keep having fun with photography!
Jim Miotke, Inc.


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