Wednesday, 13 February 2013

SnapShot #615 - Four New Courses for March! Contest Advice! Photo Tip!

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

'Best photography course ever! ... Thanks to the wisdom and guidance in Bill Neill's critiques, I've gained a tremendous amount of confidence, and I've gained a world of insight into what it means to think and see as an artist rather than a technician or a hobbyist. Like I said, best class ever - I'm already planning to take it again!' -David B. Dawson, student in William Neill's Portfolio Development course


Why 'First Things First' is the Best Photo-Trip Strategy
The reason photographers often feel stress on a trip is the self-imposed pressure to capture the definitive images. Celebrated tourist spots, world-class cities, and popular national parks all feature justifiably famous views that have been photographed over and over again. But at the same time, there's also the desire to come up with innovative photographs. This "shoot the classics vs. strive for originality" disparity is always a challenge.
The best advice: Attack the top spots as soon as possible. That way, you get them out of your system. After recording these definitive images, you'll be surprised how that reduces the anxiety, lifts the spirit, and makes you mentally prepared to be imaginative.
NOTE: This tip is from the recent book co-authored by Jim Miotke and Kerry Drag er: The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography

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© - Robert Mann

Welcome to the 615th issue of SnapShot!

Awesome news! We have four - yes, 4!! - brand-new online photo courses on the schedule for March: In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss reading Jim Zuckerman's excellent Featured Article ('Expectations Upon Entering a Photo Contest') and This Week's Tip ('Why 'First Things First' is the Best Photo-Trip Strategy') from The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography.

That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Updates From BetterPhoto

BetterPhoto instructor Jim Zuckerman offers his valuable insights for anyone who submits to a photo contest. Note: The advice also applies to pros who submit work to stock agencies, photo editors, art directors, etc.! In this new 2-week Quick Start course, pro instructor Tony Sweet will show you how to transform a Raw file into an image with visual impact - aka, "Pop!"

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