Wednesday, 6 February 2013

SnapShot #614 - Classes Start Today! See the Course Listings! Tripod Solutions! How to Meter White!

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

'I have really enjoyed having John Siskin as an instructor. ... John has a great perspective!' -Richard Riebel, student in Portrait Photography Lighting on Location and in the Studio

In one of BetterPhoto's interactive online courses, you'll get motivated, learn a lot, have fun and get pro feedback - without the expense of an on-location workshop. Our 2-week and 4-week classes are just getting under way, so sign up now!

Developing a Tripod Workflow
By Kerry Drager

I use a tripod for every landscape scene - to achieve the best in image quality and to fine-tune my compositions. But that doesn't mean I break out the tripod immediately upon seeing a subject I like. After making the effort to expand the tripod legs and lock the camera in place, it's verrrrry tempting to stay put, without fully exploring the subject. That's not the artistic approach!

Instead, the tripod set-up should come near the end of the creative process, not the beginning! Let me explain my tripod "workflow":

When I come across a promising landscape scene, I set the tripod aside (assuming there's a safe place). Then, with camera in hand, I'll wander around in search of the best viewpoint, the right lens focal length, etc. Only when I've lined up the approximate shot do I grab the tripod, attach the camera, and frame the composition just the way I envisioned it.

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Frosty cardinal
© - Rita  K. Connell

Welcome to the 614th issue of SnapShot!

In one of BetterPhoto's online photography courses, you'll get motivated, learn a lot, have fun, and receive pro feedback - without the expense of an on-location workshop. Our latest session begins today, so what are you waiting for?!? Enroll now! See the February schedule of interactive 4-week and 2-week online classes...

Too early? Here are the 8-week courses for March...

In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss the articles of two BetterPhoto instructors - 'Low-Light Photography: Use a Tripod ... or Improvise!' by Lynne Eodice and 'Digital Exposure: How to Meter White on White' by Jim Zuckerman - along with my This Week's Tip: 'Developing a Tripod Workflow'.

That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Articles and Updates From BetterPhoto:

Read Lynne Eodice's excellent article over at BetterPhoto Instructor Insights! How do you expose for a white subject in snow? See instructor Jim Zuckerman's new BetterPhoto article! We have a couple of interactive classes that offer a fast, fun and exciting online adventure:
- How to Make Your Photos 'Pop'!
- Learn to Get Great Exposures in Snow!

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