Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Great news!


We are making several improvements at BetterPhoto. These include:

* Simplifying our navigational links.
* Restructuring our membership model
* Opening up the contest to everyone...

That's right! We're going back to the way it was many years ago. We feel that this will help increase the pool of participants and increase the likelihood of new people winning the contest each month. While I have always believed that merit and excellence should be rewarded, regardless of how many times a person has won in the past, it WOULD be nice to open up the possibility of winning to more participants.

So, the contest is now open to anyone who has signed up with BetterPhoto and confirmed their email address.

More exciting improvements coming soon.

Jim Miotke, Inc.

P.S. Since we are moving some links into the Member Center, some of you may be missing a particular link you really love. If so, please email with a description of the link. If enough people request a link, we'll be sure to put it onto the welcome page that you see once you sign into the Member Center. Thanks very much and enjoy the contest!

P.P.S. We still have lots of graphics and pages to change at the site... so if you see something that talks about the old way we did the contest, please excuse the dust, as they say... we'll soon update all the pages so everything says "Contest is open to everyone".

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