Thursday, 27 December 2012

SnapShot #609 - Learn to Use Your New Camera! Artificial Light Tip! White Balance Tip! Contest Tip!

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Thursday, December 27, 2012

'Deborah Sandidge is truly a skilled photographer and instructor. This is one of the best courses in all of the selections. ... Highly recommended!' -Mark Calibo, student in Photoshop: Enhancing Images and Creating Works of Art

Start the new year by giving your photography a huge kick-start! Whether you dream of starting your own photography business or simply mastering the craft, we have a great program just for you: Master Photographer Training Program

If you've been hitting a wall lately, then we have a great way to get inspired! For example, for BetterPhoto's daily dose of visual motivation, check out our free Photo of the Day e-newsletter. Sign up now at our subscription page...

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Awaiting a red leaf sunrise
© - Randy D. Dinkins

Welcome to the 609th issue of SnapShot!

We hope you are having an awesome holiday season and are looking ahead to 2013 with an artistic spirit and a positive energy. Here at BetterPhoto, we sure are!

First off, the next school session begins Jan. 9th, 2013, and we have an outstanding lineup of classes. These online photo courses are designed to get you up and running with your new (or old!) digital SLR camera. You'll love the direct interaction with master photographers, the personal feedback, and the flexible method of instruction. Enroll now and receive an early lesson!

Secondly, the new year brings a brand-new length of online course! Two-week classes allow us to offer specialized subjects while still featuring all the interactivity that has made our regular classes so popular - weekly assignments, pro critiques, class discussions, etc. Kicking off the 2-week schedule is Jim Zuckerman's excellent Snow Photography, which promises to be a fast, fun, and exciting online adventure!

Lastly, this issue of SnapShot includes some fine pro advice: 'Get Creative with Artificial Light!', 'Light and Color: White Balance Made Easy', and 'Contest Tip from BetterPhoto's Judges'.

That's it for now. Enjoy the rest of the holidays, and best wishes for a wonderful new year!!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Tips and Techniques From BetterPhoto:

By John Siskin
When I have a camera with me I also have a strobe (you may call these things a flash, but I prefer to call them strobes). A strobe will enable me to isolate the subject and change the way action is recorded. The strobe is only making light for about 1/1000th of a second, so if I use it with a long exposure I can mix blur and stop action in the same image. Also a strobe will put more light on the part of a picture that is close to you, so it will isolate the subject from the background. You can enhance this effect by using a filter over the strobe to add color to whatever the strobe lights. Strobes allow me many more ways to create interesting pictures.
Editor notes: John Siskin teaches three excellent online photo courses at BetterPhoto. See his instructor bio and list of classes here... The topic of White Balance comes up regularly at BetterPhoto, and for good reason. It's an important concept that can affect the look, feel and color of your photographs! When submitting images to BetterPhoto's monthly photo contest, make sure you upload your image at a standard size. If the photo is too small, the judges may not be able to see it well enough to accurately judge it. The best size should be at least 800 pixels on the long side.

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