Thursday, 13 December 2012

SnapShot #607 - Big Course Sale!! New Class on Snow Photography! Weather Tips! Subject Placement!

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Thursday, December 13, 2012

'I really enjoyed this class. It was full of great information that was easy to understand. If I had any questions, Doug was more than happy to explain things. He critiqued the lessons in a timely manner and gave excellent one-on-one feedback when needed. ... He offered suggestions for ways to improve our pics. I'd definitely recommend this to others!' - Patty Petrik, student in Doug Johnson's Creating Depth in Landscape Photography


Don't miss Denise Miotke's inspiring Travel and Landscape Photography: Better Photos of Places online course. You'll learn techniques for developing an artistic eye and for finding awesome images - whether you are on a trip or shooting in your own backyard.

If you've been hitting a wall lately, then we have a great way to get inspired! For example, for BetterPhoto's daily dose of visual inspiration, check out our free Photo of the Day e-newsletter. Sign up now at our subscription page...

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Welcome to the 607th issue of SnapShot!

Great news this holiday season: BetterPhoto's 12 Days of Christmas Sale! Two awesome sale options:
  • Buy a $198 gift card for just $168 (good for one 4-week course), or a $396 gift card for only $336 (good for one 8-week online course or for two 4-week courses).
And this may be the best part ... this sale not only applies to the photographer in your life, the sale applies to YOU too. If you want to give yourself this gift this year, then go for it! Click here for more sale details....

In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss the expert advice of some of BetterPhoto's top instructors: 'Composition Tip: What's the Best Subject Placement?' by Susan and Neil Silverman, and 'Composition Tip: What's the Best Subject Placement?' by Rob Sheppard.

That's it for now. Enjoy your photography this holiday season!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Articles, Tips & Updates From BetterPhoto:

If we really care about the whole range of nature and capturing that in our photographs, says Rob Sheppard, that means getting outside in all sorts of weather. Rob offers many great tips in his BetterPhoto Instructor Insights blog. Read Susan and Neil Silverman's expert thoughts on composition in their new BetterPhoto Instructor Insights blog. Beginning in January, we kick off BetterPhoto's first-ever 2-week online class! Jim Zuckerman's brand-new online seasonal course - Snow Photography - promises to be a fast, fun, and exciting adventure. Although 2 weeks in length, this class has all the interactivity of our regular classes (Campus Square, pro feedback, weekly lessons, and class discussions). Enroll now and receive an early lesson!

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