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Welcome to the 470th issue of SnapShot! Hello,
Jim Miotke's latest book is filled with easy-to-digest tips, great insights, and inspiring images! Best yet, BetterPhoto Basics: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Taking Photos Like a Pro is just now hitting the stores. Get all the details here... ... In other big news, our next school session is coming right up (May 5th) and includes both 4-week and 8-week courses. Now's the time to take your photography to the next level! ... In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss the tips from two top instructors: Deborah Sandidge ("Digital Night Photography: Twilight!") and Tony Sweet ("How to Take Creative Pictures: Spin-Zoom Technique"). ... Lastly, Jim is wrapping up his 14-day Whirlwind Tour, and the tour was a resounding success! If you missed it, consider one of Jim's outstanding 3-day Creative Confidence weekend workshops. That's it for now. Have fun with your photography! Kerry Drager Newsletter Editor Follow BetterPhoto founder and president Jim Miotke on Twitter - BetterPhotoJim - and in his blog: jim.betterphoto.com
Updates From BetterPhoto Enroll in any online course on photography or Photoshop, and get started today with an early lesson! See the school schedule... Learn How Our Classes Work - Go ahead, have a life! That's because, at BetterPhoto, we offer online classes according to YOUR schedule. Find out the details... "Very cool abstract interpretations" are the results of this very creative approach, says top pro and BetterPhoto instructor Tony Sweet. Read more about zooming while also twisting the camera. Stop by Team BetterPhoto blog, where you'll find lots of thoughts, insights, tips, and tidbits from BP Team members!
Photo Q&A 1: Desktop Vs. Laptop Monitors
I have both a desktop and laptop I have been doing a lot of my work on the go I have noticed that pictures done on my lap top seem darker on my desk top which I have never had any problem with. I called my photo lab, and they said the desktop is more dependable and that it is hard to calibrate the laptop. Any ideas for using my laptop? I need to be able work on the run. Thanks! - Beth Verser
ANSWER 1: Have you calibrated your monitors to ensure that you're using a good color profile? I use the Datacolor Spyder3Pro to calibrate all my monitors, and it keeps all my images looking the same no matter where I display them. You should try and calibrate your monitors in the sa me lighting that you use when editing and viewing. This helps to ensure that you are seeing what you think you should be.
- Claud B. Yeiser Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com
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2: Wedding Cruise: Any Tips?
Hello friends, This is not a question on settings and exposure for this assignment, rather a question on any fun ideas. This is a wedding on a 100' yacht, under cover and on the deck. Do you have any suggestions for some different shots with the bride and groom? This is a very elegant but untraditional wedding. I have the idea of the groom lifting (to appear that he is throwing) the bride overboard. This is not a professional shoot, just doing a favor for a friend. I would welcome any ideas - no matter how crazy they ma y seem. It's all in fun. Thanks in advance! - Mary Iacofano
ANSWER 1: Hello Mary, I did a wedding shoot on a large sailboat that posed real problems and also offered cool perspectives as well. There were ropes everywhere for the sails, etc., and I had to constantly be aware of where they were and positioned people to keep the ropes out of the frame as much as possible. I did still spend time in post production - cloning out some of the ropes. While there were some open spaces on the bow and stern areas, it would often get very crowded, which would also cause problems positioning myself to get a good point of view of a larger group. I opted to get lots of smaller group photos and also got on top of the cabin to shoot down on everyone (still having to mind where the ropes were) but this worked pretty well. They timed the wedding for late afternoon, which also presented a few lighting challenges as the fill light I used for most of the day was now needed for full illumination as it grew darker. One of my favorite shots was after the ceremony. The bride and groom were on the stern with champagne glasses and kissing with the setting sun right behind them. Work with positioning the bride and groom and the captain to maneuver the yacht where the sun is working to your advantage if possible. Luckily, the captain was really helpful and accommodating, and this made a HUGE difference in helping me to get better lighting. So get up high and shoot down, and use that sun to create some beautiful images. Have fun Mary... Love in Light, Carlton
- Carlton Ward
ANSWER 2: Carlton, Thank you so much. Great advice. Lots of challenges for me!
- Mary Iacofano Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com
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