Tuesday, 13 April 2010

SnapShot #468 - Jim's Whirlwind Tour Marks BP's Anniversary! HDR Tutorial; Autoexposure; QnA

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Monday, April 12, 2010
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Q&A 1: Harsh Midday Sunl...
Q&A 2: Large group por...

"This was by far the most fun online class I've taken. It was a challenge, but at the same time, I feel that I've learned things that will move my photography along. A great class to take if you feel like you're stuck and need something to get back on track. I would thoroughly recommend this to others!" - Portfolio Development with Outdoor Photographer columnist William Neill

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Photoshop HDR Tutorial: Adobe Camera Raw Tools
HDR, or high dynamic range, is a great technique that Jim Zuckerman uses all the time. But for moving subjects, he uses the "remarkable tools in Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), the RAW converter built into Photoshop." Read Jim tutorial here...

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Welcome to the 468th issue of SnapShot!

Spring is always an exciting time of year to be a photographer! And of particular note, BP founder Jim Miotke is heading out on his 14-day Whirlwind Tour to mark BetterPhoto's 14th anniversary. Each 1-day stop promises to be a motivating and enlightening time for helping you gain the competitive edge. There are still some seats available in some cities, but you need to sign up now. This is a very special event, and you won't want to miss it! Here are the specifics of Jim's tour... ... In this issue of SnapShot, be sure to catch the contributions of two top pro instructors: Rob Sheppard ("Digital Photography Exposure: It's OK to Go Auto! ") and Jim Zuckerman ("Photoshop HDR Tutorial: Adobe Camera Raw Tools"). ... Also, check out the new Team BetterPhoto blog, in which BP team members share their thoughts, interests, and tips! That's it for now. Have fun with your photography! Kerry Drager Newsletter Editor

Where is Jim Miotke? Follow BetterPhoto's founder and president on Twitter - BetterPhotoJim - and in his blog: jim.betterphoto.com

Updates From BetterPhoto

Jim Miotke is coming to a city near you! Gain the confidence and the competitive edge you need! Workshops are limited to 14 people, but seats are still available in some cities:
  • April 17: New York, NY
  • April 19 Chicago, IL
  • April 21 San Diego, CA
  • April 23 Monterey, CA
  • April 24 Monterey, CA
  • April 26 San Francisco, CA
Sign up today!! See the details of this exciting event... Our online courses are by far the best way to hone your photographic skills - you'll love the direct interaction with master photographers, the personal feedback, and the flexible method of instruction. Learn more... It is very possible to use autoexposure and get excellent results, says BetterPhoto instructor Rob Sheppard. "I do it all the time. Sometimes I do use manual exposure (I have to use it for video on my Canon EOS 7D). But I find I can use autoexposure quickly and accurately for exposure." Read Rob's article here...

Photo Q&A

1: Harsh Midday Sunlight
I recently shot a friend's son's birthday party. The problem was there was a reptile show in the front yard in the direct midday sun (no shade available). Without reflectors sitting around that would get in the way, what do you suggest to make the best of the situation? Should I have used a flash unit?
- Shawna Crook

Yes Shawna,
I use my flash for daytime shooting more than night time shooting for this very reason - fill light. It will keep those hard shadows in check. Cheers,
- Carlton Ward
Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com

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2: Large group portrait...what lens?
What is the best lens to use for a large group portrait with 21 people? I plan on staggering everyone and placing them in an arc so they are all around the same distance from the camera, but I want to be certain everyone is in focus.
- Nicola Gonzalez

Hi Nicola,
The size of the lens depends on where you have to stand. I would avoid any extreme wide-angle as it will distort the people on the edges. Also, if you have a group this large, you are better off if you have them stand in different levels. So you can have a row seated. A row of short people and a row of t all people, or you can use risers for the back row. A single long row generally doesn't work well.

- John H. Siskin

See John Siskin's Basic BetterPholio™:

Take an Online PhotoCourse™ with John Siskin:
4-Week Short Course: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting
4-Week Short Course: Getting Started in Commercial Photography
4-Week Short Course: Portrait Photography Lighting on Location and in the Studio

I plan on having some standing, some kneeling and some sitting so the group won't be really wide.

- Nicola Gonzalez

Hi Nicola,
So, if you have a full-frame sensor, you might be able to use a 35mm lens. You should avoid anything wider. A smaller sensor could use a wider lens.

- John H. Siskin

See John Siskin's Basic BetterPholio™:

Take an Online PhotoCourse™ with John Siskin:
4-Week Short Course: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting
4-Week Short Course: Getting Started in Commercial Photography
4-Week Short Course: Portrait Photography Lighting on Location and in the Studio
Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com

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