Thursday, 10 April 2014

Whoops! it's all about the details...


I accidentally mentioned March in the previous email, so I wanted to clarify...

Until midnight on Sunday, April 13th, (not March 7th!) you can get any course... at 20% OFF!

From my popular "Better Photoshop" self-paced course to one of our awesome interactive courses... get big bonuses (see below) and a 20 percent discount!

You can save as much as $80 off an 8-week interactive course.

Use this special code to get your 20% off: 18thBirthday20off

Browse interactive course choices here

I'm holding this sale to express my gratitude to you... as we continue to celebrate 18 years on the Internet!

Here's where you can see interactive courses just starting now and save 20%!

Try an inspiring photo class at a discount AND Get 5 Free Bonuses.

If the 20% discount isn't enough to have you heading to BetterPhoto, these FIVE free gifts will surely do the trick.

* Bonus 1: BetterPhoto Instructor Tips PDF eBook
Best advice from our top pros... the famous photographers who teach our interactive courses. Best photography tips ever!

* Bonus 2: Inspirations eBook
Super popular among previous students. Beautiful images and inspiring quotes designed to uplift.

* Bonus 3: Camera Phone eBook
For when you happen to have your smart phone on hand, here's how to get a GREAT picture with any camera.

* Bonus 4: Shooting Check List
Everything you need to know (and remember to bring) before you head out the door to go shooting.

* Bonus 5: Surprise!
More on this later...

Click here for flexible, self-paced courses

And you get these extra goodies all for FREE when you try one of our courses for 20% off.

To get your 20% discount, enter this promo code in the Gift Card field on the checkout page: 18thBirthday20off

View my most popular course here and claim your seat before it's too late!

Talk soon,

P.S. This quick sale ends at midnight Sunday, April 13th. If you'd like to get in the fun ...AND save 20%, then go here now:
Learn more about ALL of our courses here

P.P.S. I am using a new and improved email system. If you haven't heard from me in a while, please forgive the break in communication. And let me know if there is anything I can do to add more value to you and your experience at BetterPhoto.

Click here to opt out of future communications from

The sender of this email is, Inc.,, Inc., 23515 NE Novelty Hill Rd, Suite B221 #183, Redmond, WA 98053

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