Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Worst tagline EVER!!!


Years ago, I decided to change our tagline - you know, that little slogan under our logo in the upper left of every page.

What a mistake!

Vote for the new tagline here.

If you look at it now, you'll see that it reads:


Before I changed it to that, it was THE BETTER WAY TO LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY.

They both stink ;-)

I mean, yes it's true: IS the best.

We're unique, effective, supportive, honest...

We have the best instructors, best videos... and by far the best community of photographers (YOU!)

That's all true.

So actually we ARE the better way to learn photography.

But that's not what WE'RE ALL ABOUT!

The recent taglines don't express the big reason why I started BetterPhoto back in 1996: to help people get better at photography.

When I came up with the name "", it resonated because:

* I always have liked the idea of continual improvement
* I love to learn
* I believe I can always get better, and...
* I had been sorely disappointed with bad photo results in the past.

So I wanted to help others in the same predicament: people who LOVE photography but want to come home with better results.


I'm going to change that tagline and I need your help!

Would you please take two minutes and vote on a new tagline for BetterPhoto?

Vote for the new tagline here.


P.S. It's ideal that the tagline expresses what BetterPhoto is all about, in the shortest, catchiest way possible.

Here's BetterPhoto's all about:
* learning/improvement
* creativity/artistic expression
* support/encouragement, and
* present-moment enjoyment/getting out there at having fun with your photography today.

Vote for the new tagline here.

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