Wednesday, April 17, 2013 COURSE TESTIMONIAL 'Excellent course. The weekly instructions were very thorough and easy to understand. Critiques were very helpful, and the instructor responded to questions in a timely and thoughtful manner.' -Larry Dickerson, student in Exposure and Processing with George Schaub
THIS WEEK'S TIP Sharpness with Macro To help ensure tack sharp macro images, always shoot on a tripod. Also use the 2-second self-timer mode on the camera to trip the shutter button. -by Charlotte Lowrie, who teaches many excellent online photo courses
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Welcome to the 624th issue of SnapShot! Hello, The 2-for-1 Super Sale is back! Get 2 years of a Deluxe or Pro BetterPholio website for the price of 1 year. This awesome sale applies to new sites or renewals. You'll need to hurry, though, since the sale ends Monday, April 22, 2013. Check out the 2-for-1 special offer here... Been hitting a wall lately? At BetterPhoto, we have some awesome solutions to give your photography a creative quick start. Enroll in one of our awesome online photo courses, with the next session coming up fast (May 8th). Consider the Masterpiece Membership, which is based on Ansel Adams' exciting personal goal: Create a masterpiece every month! In addition, check out BetterPhoto's daily dose of visual inspiration: the free Photo of the Day newsletter. And see the inspiring past winners of our monthly contest. In this issue of SnapShot, look for lots of tips and techniques from BetterPhoto instructors: 'Sharpness with Macro' by Charlotte Lowrie, 'Photographing Nature's Art: Light, Tripod & Depth of Field' by Jim Zuckerman, and 'Get Creative with Light: Explore the Times of Day' by Jim Miotke and myself. That's it for now. Have fun with your photography! Kerry Drager Newsletter Editor
Articles by BetterPhoto Instructors: Photographing rocks is sometimes like taking pictures of nature's art. Read Jim Zuckerman's excellent article... Don't take our word for it when it comes to photographing at the right times of day! Read this article by Jim Miotke and Kerry Drager...
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