Tuesday, 9 April 2013

last day for the whole enchilada


The special sale for the "Whole Enchilada" ends at 11:59pm tomorrow.

Here's the full scoop:

You get expertise with Photoshop, better photo making skills, creative composition know-how, and understanding of exposure and lighting... ALL...

...at the LOWEST price I've EVER offered... ONLY two payments of $97.

Here's the special product page where you can save over TWO-THIRDS OFF on these revolutionary self-paced courses: Click this link here

This offer only lasts until Wednesday, April 10th at 11:59pm Pacific

We're talking:

* "Understanding Lighting and Exposure" - expertise at CONSISTENTLY creating stunning photos
* "Better Photography 101" - fundamentals of getting great photos
* "Creative Photo Composition" - how to capture artistic and beautiful images
* "The Photographer's Guide to Better Photoshop" - how to enhance and fix photos after the fact, simple and FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS

$582 worth of classes... all for only 2 payments of $97!!!

You'll learn:
* The Four Questions I always ask with each creative photograph
* Jim's "See Saw" of exposure - the easy way to remember the correct camera settings
* How to creatively and artistically arrange the various elements in each scene
* My system for FREEDOM from Photoshop frustrations... not knowing when to use a particular tool... or when to say when!
* How to make the colors in each photo POP and combine various photos into one creative masterpiece!
* and more...

Try My Courses Now for Over 65% Off and Get Nine+ Free Bonuses.

If the TWO-THIRDS OFF discount isn't enough to have you heading to my courses page, these NINE+ free gifts will surely seal the deal.

* Bonus 1: Expert Moderated Forums!
Although these are usually self-paced courses, I'll participate in the Forum to answer your questions and provide additional guidance.

* Bonus 2: BetterPhoto Instructor Tips PDF eBook
Best advice from our top pros... the famous photographers who teach our interactive courses. Best tips from the best of the best.

* Bonus 3: Inspirations eBook
Super popular among previous students. Beautiful images and inspiring quotes designed to uplift.

* Bonus 4: Camera Phone eBook
For when you happen to have your smart phone on hand; get a great picture wherever you happen to be when you see the shot.

* Bonus 5: Shooting Check List
Everything you need to know (and remember to bring) before you head out the door.

* Bonus 6: Complete written transcripts of all training videos, for easy reference later

* Bonus 7: Super Set of Seven "Tutorial Take-Along" PDFs
Handy guides for quick reminding. Topics include: 8 Ways to Destroy Blur, Frame Within A Frame, Pursuit of Light, Getting Close With Wide-Angle, Anytime Shooting Tips, Storytelling Photography, and Creative Composition.

------ AND -----

* Bonus 8: The Settings & Situations Cheat Sheet

* Bonus 9: The Quick Tips Photoshop Cheat Sheet, and more!


That's a lot of goodies... and you get it all FREE when you try all of my self-paced courses at TWO-THIRDS the normal price!!

Go here right now and claim your seat in the classes before this deal is gone.

Click this link here

Talk soon,

P.S. the "Whole Enchilada" ends at 11:59pm Pacific tomorrow, April 10th. We're on the final stretch and counting down the hours at this point.

P.P.S. This is an email-only offer. Feel free to learn more about each course by going to the SELF-PACED COURSES menu at BetterPhoto but come back... Click this link here to actually sign up. And please don't share this link with anyone... it's just for YOU!

P.P.P.S. Oh I almost forgot to tell you... you can start the class later... and you don't HAVE to do any homework :-) One of the coolest things about these self-paced courses is their incredible flexibility. But do take me up on this this special once-in-a-lifetime offer and sign up now. Act today before it's too late - I want you to benefit from this offer and get the "Whole Enchilada" before it's gone.

Warning: clicking here will opt you out of future communications from BetterPhoto.com.

The sender of this email is the BetterPhoto.com, Inc., BetterPhoto.com, Inc., 23515 NE Novelty Hill Rd, Suite B221 #183, Redmond, WA 98053

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