Wednesday, 19 September 2012

SnapShot #595 - October Courses Posted! Get More Creative! Macro Photography Tip!

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Simon Stafford is a true professional and a great instructor. This course is a must for beginners and self-taught hobbyists. It gives you the base knowledge, and with Simon's guidance and critiques, it takes you from average pictures to great photographs!" -Mark Calibo, student in Simon's Composition - The Essentials


Macro Photography and Tripods
By Jim Zuckerman
Whether you have plenty of bright ambient light or if you are shooting in a low light environment, macro photography requires a tripod. As you make the lens aperture smaller for increased depth of field, you lose light. That means that your shutter speed has to be longer to compensate for that loss. Longer shutter speeds mean that you will not be able to hand hold the camera to get sharp pictures.
This is especially true when the subject is magnified with a macro lens because even the slightest bit of camera movement translates into an unsharp picture at shutter speeds slower than 1/125th of a second. Small apertures like f/22 or f/32 will force your shutter speed to be much slower than this unless you raise the ISO to a high number, and that's not what you want to do in macro work. As long as your subject isn't moving, it doesn't matter how long the shutter is as long as you are using a tripod.
NOTES: Jim Zuckerman teaches many terrific online photo courses at BetterPhoto. See his instructor's bio and list of classes here...

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© - Dennis Behm

Welcome to the 595th issue of SnapShot!

At BetterPhoto's online photography school, our courses are truly motivating! You'll get direct access to top pros, with lots of interaction between instructor and students. The next 4-week school session kicks off on October 10th, and the schedule has just been posted. Best yet, if you enroll now, you can get started with an early lesson! See the class listings here...

In this issue of SnapShot, check out the work of two top BetterPhoto instructors: Deb Sandidge's article ("Get Creative: Redefine Reality with your Photography") and Jim Zuckerman's This Week's Tip ("Macro Photography and Tripods").

That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Updates From BetterPhoto

Yes, it's possible to redefine reality with your photography ... in fact, this is one of the perks of being a photographer and an artist! Read Deborah Sandidge's expert techniques at BetterPhoto Instructor Insights... "Photographing Architecture: Around Town or Far Afield" is BetterPhoto's awesome new online course. Taught by Lynne Eodice, the class kicks off on Oct. 10th, but enroll now and receive an early lesson! Don't miss Denise Miotke's inspiring "Travel and Landscape Photography" online course. You'll learn techniques for developing an artistic eye and for finding awesome images - whether you are on a trip or shooting in your own backyard.

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