Tuesday, 10 January 2012

SnapShot #559 - Not Too Late to Enroll; The Best Time of Day for Photography; Photo Tip

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
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Welcome Note
This Week's Tip
Updates From BetterPhoto

"This was by far the most unique and artistic course I have taken in years. ... Jim Zuckerman's examples and step-by-step lessons helped me understand how to achieve the 'Photoshop creations.' The course really does makes you think 'outside the box' and gets your creative juices flowing. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is comfortable experimenting in Photoshop." -Sue Brown-Moseman, student in Photoshop: Thinking Outside the Box

Feeling uninspired? Go somewhere new!
Yes, familiar places do offer visual rewards, but at times you just need to get away to get inspired. This doesn't have to be a major undertaking. Take a short side trip to a garden or park. If you haven't been to the zoo or the nearest tourist attraction in a while, do it now. Check for colorful holiday festivals. A fresh location can "force" you to be inspired and motivated. Everyone likes to experience new places — especially photographers! -by Jim Miotke and Kerry Drager, from their new book, The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography

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A lone stone
© - Loan Tran

Welcome to the 559th issue of SnapShot!

Are you kicking yourself for waiting too long? Don't fret, since there's still time to enroll in one of BetterPhoto's interactive online photography courses! With our cyber classroom, it's easy to quickly catch up on anything you've missed. See our class schedule...

In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss the awesome article by instructor Deb Sandidge ("Best Time of Day for Photography: Twilight!"). Also, there's a Photo Tip from the new BetterPhoto Guide book (co-authored by Jim Miotke and myself).

That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Updates From BetterPhoto

Check out this wonderful article on how - and why - to photograph at the most inspiring time of day! It's written by BetterPhoto instructor and top pro Deborah Sandidge. What an exciting goal that Ansel Adams had: Create a masterpiece every month! BetterPhoto is paying homage to this legendary photographer with our Masterpiece of the Month Membership. As a Masterpiece member, you'll receive recognition and assignments, and enjoy great discussions. Check out the interesting Forum thread on the iPad for photography: apps for sorting, basic editing, etc.

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