Tuesday, 11 October 2011

SnapShot #546 - Creativity Webinar! Nov. Courses! Get Great Color in Your Nature Photos; QnA

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
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Q&A: What to Do with O...

"This whole class has been absolutely perfect for me ... thank you SO MUCH!!!" -Rebecca A. Meeks, student in Travel and Landscape Photography: Better Photos of Places with Denise Miotke


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For every five classes you take, you receive a 50% discount on your next course. Learn more about this awesome photo school program. MVBP, by the way, stands for Most Valued Better Photographer!

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Photographing Children Around the World

By Jim Zuckerman

One of the delights in traveling internationally is interacting with children of many cultures. They are almost universally both shy and curious.

There are only two types of natural light that should be used for shooting children, or for that matter any person, when outdoors: diffused and low angled sunlight.

Diffused light occurs when a cloud cover disperses sunlight similar to what a softbox does to a flash head in the studio. It is soft and shadowless, and your subject can be placed anywhere where the background is complementary to the composition.

However, if the sun is high in the sky, harsh shadows and contrasty light will invariably degrade the image. Under these circumstances, ask the child (if necessary, through an interpreter or with hand gestures) if he or she will move into the shade of a tree or building. This takes care of the problem.

If you have a diffusion panel, it can be held above the child to soften the sunlight, enabling you to shoot in the op en. The only problem is that large, unfamiliar objects might frighten small children and dissuade them from posing naturally.

The second type of natural light that can be used effectively is low-angled sunlight. Early morning and late afternoon light, when the sun is close to the horizon, provides flattering, golden illumination that can be effective for either front, back or side lighting.

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Harbor Dock Reflection
© - Karen Celella

Welcome to the 546th issue of SnapShot!

While most people are settling into the fall color season, here at BetterPhoto, we are looking forward to some excellent upcoming events: the Creative Confidence Webinar Weekend with Jim Miotke and the next session of 8-week online photo courses. ...

Speaking of our digital photography school online, have you considered the exciting BetterPhoto Certified Better Photographer program? Visit the page that covers the photographer certification program. ...

New Book: Take a Look! The latest title in the popular BetterPhoto Guide series is coming out within days: The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography (co-authored by Jim Miotke and myself!). Check out this post by the publisher - excerpts from the book. ...

In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss Rob Sheppard's "Nature Photography: How to Get Natural-Looking Color" article and Jim Zuckerman's "Photographing Children Around the World" Photo Tip. ...

That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Jim Miotke
Where Is Jim?

Updates From BetterPhoto

"You have to be careful not to oversaturate already colorful colors such as bold fall color on a bright sunny day," says BetterPhoto instructor Rob Sheppard. "It is okay to actually trust the color of the scene and not feel you have to 'improve it'." Check out Rob's excellent article... Treat yourself to an easy gift-buying experience, while also giving your favorite photographer something really special!

Photo Q&A

What to Do with Obsolete Film and Equipment?
What do we do with our film cameras and equipment once film is no longer available? How much longer will film and film processing be available?
- Jana Belcher

Film is available, but perhaps not the same ones you were using before. Kodak still has Tri-X, as well as Panatomic X, Kodacolor and Ecktachrome. Ilford also has several B&W films, and Fuji has some color negative films and perhaps B&W films.

You can order film from B&H or check some local camera stores. Walgreens and Rite Aid can process them and make prints for a reasonable price.

Google "photo labs"/your area to find places. Many of these not only process film and scan the negatives for you but will also make enlargements.

I do my own B&W processing but for color negatives I use a local lab.

As for the equipment, it is worth almost nothing unless you have a good-condition Rollie or Hasselblad. With my old broken cameras, I use them as "Objects de art" LOL and have them sitting on by bookcases. I use my old flashes on a Bronica SQ-A.

- Lynn R. Powers
Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com

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