Sunday, 30 May 2010

Jim's giving away courses - this weekend only!

Jim's a visionary and more enthusiastic and positive than anyone you've ever met.

He's hitting the road again and has gone loonie tunes offering a FREE Course with registration for his upcoming Photograph with POWER! workshops!

Register Today and Save!

And the Madness Doesn't Stop There... Jim is Also Extending the Website Super Sale!

The Deluxe and Pro BetterPholio Super Sale is being extended throughout the weekend.

Missed it? No problem! Want to add a couple more years? Now's your chance!

Get TWO years for the price of one!

Again, we don't know WHY he's doing this... maybe it's his new vegan diet... maybe he's just too happy from dancing and signing as he shoots!

Whatever the case, take advantage of this weekend madness... join Jim at the Creative Confidence workshop and get in on the 2-for-1 extension... this is unheard of.


Jim's Concerned Team is the worldwide leader in online photography education, offering an approachable resource for photographers who want to improve their skills, share their photos, and learn more about the art and technique of photography.

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