Saturday, 28 June 2014

SnapShot #681 - Inspiring Gallery; Tips to Improve Your Photos; July Courses

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Saturday, June 28, 2014


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Welcome to the 681st issue of SnapShot!
Hello,'s interactive online classes are a terrific way to learn. That's no surprise, since you receive expert lessons, motivating assignments and valuable feedback from top professionals. Now, how cool is that?!? Read how these exciting courses work...

In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss two excellent how-to's for improving your photography: Rob Sheppard's article ('Beyond Simply Zooming: A True Pro Secret') and the Q&A post ('Camera Shake') from the BetterPhoto Forum.

That's it for this week. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Updates From BetterPhoto...

Do you routinely stand in one place and zoom? In his article, BetterPhoto instructor Rob Sheppard discusses the value of 'zooming with your feet'...

Q&A: Camera Shake
I seem to have problems with the clarity of photos. I can't always pull out a tripod or monopod. I am working on arm strength and holding the camera properly. Any other suggestions?
- Heidi R. Geise

Heidi, you haven't mentioned which camera/ lenses you usually shoot with. Here are a few things that come to my mind:
1. Raise the ISO and shoot in shutter priority set at a higher value, preferably not less than 1/250s. This should take care of slight movement while shooting.
2. Also, avoid shooting in low light situations, as it usually requires low shutter speeds, which requires a steady hand or a tripod.
3. Best yet, buy yourself a point & shoot, they are very light and come in decent features/ quality these days and are easy to carry too.
Hope you regain strength in your arms.
Good light to you.
- Usman Bajwa

I shoot with a Canon 7D and the typical issue is when I use the Tamron 70-200. I guess when I use it I just need to up the speed or ISO.
- Heidi R. Geise

Heidi, to supplement what Usman said...there's a simple rule of thumb for determining the minimum shutter speed to use, to prevent camera blur. It's based on the focal length. If your focal point is 105mm, then you need 1/105th sec shutter speed. If you zoom to 200mm focal length, then you need 1/200th sec. At 400mm, it's 1/400th sec.
Most likely, you want sufficient depth of field too; e.g., F8. And the more depth of field you need, the more light you need for proper exposure -- which means a longer shutter speed and more chance for blur. That's where Usman's ISO tip comes into play; adjust ISO higher until you get shutter speed to match the focal length. But with higher ISOs come more noise...everything is a trade-off.
- Ken Smith

Heidi, I have the same camera and very often use Tamron 28-300 mm lens. The shutter speed for this lens I determine by doubling the focal length. So if your focal length is 200 mm the shutter speed should be at least 1/400, faster is better. Adjust the ISO and aperture accordingly. I don't use a tripod very often. Hope it helps.
- Natasha Pliss

What's your camera-holding stance that you're using? Maybe that can be improved upon.
Do you use your left arm up against your body, elbow resting on your ribs, forearm coming up to make a v.
Adding an extra battery grip might help if you need a bigger area to spread you hand out. Just use the grip without a battery in it.
- Gregory LaGrange

Read this Q&A at

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