Featured Gallery  © - Marie Fields
Welcome to the 677th issue of SnapShot! Hello,
Here's the best advice for photographers: You needn't travel far to capture eye-catching pictures! For this week's featured gallery, it's the kitchen that offers the recipe for creative photography. Along with an egg or two - or more! - just add some nice light and a well-thought-out composition. In this issue of SnapShot, be sure to catch Jim Zuckerman's article ('How to Photograph in an Aquarium') and the Q&A on Textures. That's it for this week. Have fun with your photography! Kerry Drager Newsletter Editor
Updates From BetterPhoto: Instructor Jim Zuckerman shares his pro thoughts, tips and techniques on shooting in aquariums. Start taking your photography to the next level. See BetterPhoto's schedule of interactive online courses, which begin next week...
Photo Q&A... Source for Textures Hi, I want to find some colorful textures such as pastel oils or watercolors. Does anyone know a good source? Thanks! - Harriet Feagin
ANSWER 1: Have you tried Gimp (freeware from www.gimp.org)? It also has texture-like effects and a lot more. Also, you can create and blend your own textures with photos. - Tiia Vissak
Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com...