Wednesday, 9 January 2013

SnapShot #611 - Online Courses Kick Off Today! Photo Tips! Contest Tip!

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Wednesday, January 09, 2013

'This is an outstanding course! The lessons are excellent, highlighted by superb images from Jim Zuckerman's own work. The assignments stimulate you to shoot in different situations, using a range of techniques, to find those that you most enjoy. Jim's feedback is very constructive and valuable. I am very glad that I took this course!' -Kenneth J. Rhodes, student in Self-Discovery in Photography: Where Does Your Passion Lie?


Check out these two online courses (fully interactive with video lessons):
- Master the Basics of Photoshop - for the new CS6 and also earlier CS versions.
- Discover the Power of Lightroom - updated for the new LR4, but also covers LR3.

Twilight Time!
By Susan and Neil Silverman, BetterPhoto instructors
For everyone who wants to do some 'nighttime' photography, try photographing just after the sun sets, but before the sky goes really dark. There will be a beautiful colored sky. Really black dark sky is often not as beautiful or successful as that very dark royal-blue sky, post sunset.
Check out the Silvermans' online courses here...

Featured Gallery
© - Judith Redmount

Welcome to the 611th issue of SnapShot!

Today's the day! BetterPhoto's 4-week and 8-week online classes are starting ... so what are you waiting for? Enroll now! Each class is focused on teaching you how to improve your skills and knowledge through exciting weekly assignments and helpful critiques by top professionals. See our complete school schedule here...

In this issue of SnapShot, don't miss the valuable photo tips from our talented instructors: 'Twilight Time!' by Susan and Neil Silverman, 'Composition Tip: Using the Rule of Thirds' by Lynne Eodice, and 'Getting Creative: Depth of Field' by Peter K. Burian. In addition, there's our weekly Contest Tip from the judges.

That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Articles and Tips from BetterPhoto:

How can you preview the exact depth of field in your DSLR? Peter K. Burian answers this important question in his BetterPhoto Instructor Insights blog... One compositional element that artists have been using since the beginning of time is known as the rule of thirds. Read more in Lynne Eodice's BetterPhoto Instructor Insights blog... With thousands of photos to view every month, the judges always appreciate seeing new uploads and unique perspectives for the categories. Originality will often win the prize.

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