Wednesday, March 21, 2012
TESTIMONIAL OF THE WEEK "Terrific class! ... Susan and Neil Silverman are natural teachers, and I really appreciated their willingness to share and their enthusiasm." -Stephanie Lewis, student in Out and About with Your Camera
THIS WEEK'S TIP Composition: Exceptions Can Sometimes Be the Rule by Jim Miotke and Kerry Drager You'll rarely go wrong in choosing a photographic composition that follows the rules. However, for stepping up the creativity at times, don't get locked into the Rule of Thirds as a hard-and-fast policy. At times, it can be restrictive for those scenes that just don't fit into a Thirds setting. While the best spot for the subject may be somewhere off-center, for example, it might not necessarily be in one of the power points. In fact, there are times when a dead-center composition is dead-on. This can be a subject with strong symmetry, such as a wheel, in which the hub is in the middle while the spokes spread out in all directions. Certain flowers, when photographed close up, work, too, as does symmetry in architecture. Likewise, some pictures don't even have a spe cific subject; rather, the entire photo is the subject, such as pattern or repetition scenes. This tip is from Jim and Kerry's book: The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography.
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Welcome to the 569th issue of SnapShot! Hello,
Great news! We have added Facebook "Like" buttons throughout the BetterPhoto site. Have fun sharing some of the awesome photos and pages with your FB friends! ... Have you checked out BetterPhoto's April online courses? It's an excellent lineup - see the schedule here. Enroll now, receive an early lesson, and start taking your photography to the next level. ... In this issue of SnapShot, be sure to read instructor Jim Zuckerman's expert tips on photographing action. Also, for this week's Photo Tip, Jim Miotke and I discuss composition from our recent book (The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography). ... Book Alert: The BetterPhoto Guide to Photographing Light (co-authored by Jim Miotke and myself) will be published on April 3rd! ... That's it for now. Have fun with your photography! Kerry Drager Newsletter Editor
Updates From BetterPhoto How many times have you missed an action shot because you weren't ready for it? With Jim Zuckerman's expert techniques, start putting the odds in your favor. BetterPhoto has a "frequent flier" program for courses! For every five online photo classes you take, you receive a 50% discount on your next course. One of the cool benefits of being a Masterpiece or Basic member, a student, or a Deluxe/Pro owner is access to the BetterPhoto Forum. Simply click the "Discussions/Q&A" tab in your Member Center. | Unsubscribe | Change Email Address | SnapShot Archives | Recommend to a Friend
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