Tuesday, 20 December 2011

SnapShot #556 - Season's Greetings! Tips for Family Holiday Photos; January Courses; Photo Tip

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The weekly newsletter on the art of photography from
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
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Welcome Note
This Week's Tip
Updates From BetterPhoto
Q&A: Save Different ...

"My personal benefit from this course is huge! ... The lessons are packed with information. ... I love Lewis Kemper's teaching style and a lifelong experience photographing. Thanks for sharing your secrets!" -Alexander Czernin-Morzin, student in Adobe Lightroom: A Comprehensive Look

Shooting Strategy for Capturing the Moment
When photographing action, candids, or portraits, set your camera for continuous mode. This lets you take a rapid-fire series of images for as long as you press the shutter button. Firing off several shots right around the time you see an expression about to occur - or just before the critical point or the peak of action - increases your chance of getting the shot.
-by Jim Miotke and Kerry Drager from their new book, The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography

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Welcome to the 556th issue of SnapShot!

We would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday season. And, for everyone who celebrates it, Merry Christmas! ...

This is the season for family picture taking, of course, and in this issue of SnapShot, instructor Peter Burian shares some great how-to tips and techniques. ...

At BetterPhoto, we are involved in holiday preparations, but we also are looking forward to an awesome 2012. In fact, the new school year kicks off on January 4th with both 8-week and 4-week courses. ...

That's it for now. Enjoy the week, and keep your camera handy for recording those holiday memories!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

Updates From BetterPhoto

Instructor Peter Burian shares techniques that should work well for family picture taking during the holidays. Start taking your vacation photography from just OK to truly outstanding! Check out Denise Miotke's outstanding 4-week online course: Travel and Landscape Photography: Better Photos of Places Great news ... We've brought back John Siskin's excellent 4-week course: "Getting Started in Commercial Photography"!

Photo Q&A

Save Different Versions Automatically?

I have Lightoom and Photoshop setup to use ProPhoto color space, and 16 bit. When I save for printing, I need to save as JPEG, sRGB profile, and change to 8 bit. I only want to apply this to the JPEG, and not to the TIFF or PSD. Is there an easy way to save as JPEG in Photoshop (CS5), and at the same time, convert to sRGB and 8 bit, leaving the original as is?
- Pat Harry

Have you tried creating an Action/automation to do this? So, once you're all done editing, and saving in the TIFF/PSD f ormat, you'd kick off the action that would switch to 8bit, and open a Save As dialog for JPEG? (Can't say I've done that exact action, but I'd made some others for common resizing...)

- Christopher J. Budny

Thanks, Christopher. I haven't tried creating an action, but thought about it - if there isn't something already in CS5. I also thought about just switching to sRGB workspace. I have the original RAW file if I ever had to go back and use a larger color space. Of course, I'd have to do the edits over again.

- Pat Harry

Pat, it's so much easier to save in several versions. For example, I have a Master File archive where I save all original Raw versions. Then a Main masterfile where I save my PSDs, both finished and being worked on - in ProPhoto or Adobe RGB, in 16-bit mostly or in 8-bit if I had to change down to use a filter.

Finally, I have a Submissions masterfile where I save JPEGs - in sRGB and 8 bit -- in the format I need and also flattened PSDs for printing.

So I always have the original Raw and the PSD with its layers and data. The Submissions file holds temporary stuff and gets wiped. Since I have the complete PSD with a full colour space, I can easily crank out a file in whatever format needed, and I'm too lazy to do the edits all over again.

There's nothing I know of in CS5 to do the conversions automatically. As Christopher says, Action would be the way to go.

- Kay Beausoleil
Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com

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