Welcome to the 103rd issue of the Digital Darkroom
A happy holiday season to all, and best wishes for an outstanding 2012!
In this issue of Digital Darkroom, check out Jim Zuckerman's excellent Featured Article ("Photoshop Tip: How to Replace a Sky") and Deb Sandidge's Featured Blog ("Travel Photography and Creative Photo Projects").
Kicking off the new year will be our January online session of 4-week courses and 8-week classes. School begins on January 4th, but if you enroll now, you can get started with an early lesson.
In an online BetterPhoto class, you'll have fun and learn a lot - without the expense of an on-location workshop. Our photography and Photoshop courses are affordable and fit right into your busy schedule. In addition, we are very proud of our virtual classroom, which is very interactive and very convenient. Take a quick tour...
That's it for now. Have fun with your photography, and Happy New Year!
Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor
To read the online version of the Digital Darkroom at our Web site, visit http://www.betterphoto.com/digitalpics/
In This Issue: Thursday, December 29, 2011
Featured Photo: The Two of Us
 The Two of Us I was thrilled to photograph these two Monarch Butterflies, together. But, the b/g behind the upper butterfly was less than desirable. I applied three textures to disguise the problem. Each texture with different blending modes, fills and opacities. Textures from ShadowHouse © Carla Capra carlacapra.com Nikon D70S Digital... |
Featured Article: Photoshop Tip: How to Replace a Sky
BetterPhoto instructor Jim Zuckerman tells - and shows - how he turned a ho-hum image into an eye-grabbing one by replacing a boring sky.
Digital Before and After
 SS Spent a good hour with the flamingos and did some fun in the darkroom later. Adjustments in PS CS2 and special effects in NIK Color EFX. |  THREE Amigos (original - without effects) The leg belongs to the third one who is sleeping at the back! |
© Usman Bajwa
Read the photo discussion here... |
Each month, the best Before and After will be featured in the Digital Darkroom. To participate, upload a Before (original) picture then start a discussion on it (using the Discuss This Photo link under the picture). After telling us how you did created the effect, select "1" or "2" from the Upload Image pull-down menu, and submit an optional intermediate image and a final (After) photo. Aim to educate and inspire by sharing a concise, detailed explanation of your technique. Enjoy! |
Featured Blog: Travel Photography and Creative Photo Projects
These Photoshop and Lightroom Courses Offer Video Lessons!
New Book Focuses on Giving Your Creativity a Big Boost!
The latest title in the BetterPhoto Guide series - The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography - has just been published. Co-authored by Jim Miotke and Kerry Drager, this how-to book covers a variety of topics: getting started (creative visualization), lens perspective (wide vs. telephoto), point of view, natural light and exploring the times of day, the elements of design, composition (following and breaking the rules, plus advanced concepts), depth and balance, photographing motion (from freezing action to in-camera painterly effects), personal projects, etc. Need more? See excerpts from the book... Learn more about Creative Digital Photography... |
New Photo Discussions
New Photo Discussion 1: On Mormon Row
Just like a beautiful painting, my friend. That is absolutely stunning, looks like an old barn you would find along our White River!!!! - Bobby Ray Goodman
See Bobby's Basic BetterPholio™
Response 1:The colors, tones, lighting, perspective, treatment & mood make for an exceptional work of art, Terry! Hope to see this again, my friend! I would frame & hang that! - Patrick Rouzes
See Patrick's Basic BetterPholio™
Response 2:Beautiful painterly effects with your marvelous DD work, Terry! You've turned this classic scene into a masterpiece - terrific color, light and textures. Sorry I haven't been by in a while... - Rona L. Schwarz
See Rona's Basic BetterPholio™
Visit photosbyrona.com - Rona's Deluxe BetterPholio™
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New Photo Discussion 2: Heracles & Appolon
Great work! Fantastic sky for the background. - Jack Gaskin
See Jack's Basic BetterPholio™
Response 1:Thank you Jack. This technique I learned from Jim Zuckerman (BetterPhoto instructor & pro photographer). He taught me to have a collection of sky and cloud pictures and use them to replace dull skies whenever needed. This was the case when we went together to Turkey last month, to photograph the statues on Mount Nemrut. Alex - alexander decoster
See alexander's Basic BetterPholio™
Response 2:You learned the sky lesson well, Alex! It looks great behind the stone heads, which look terrific, with excellent DOF and details. This looks like an interesting place. - Lindley Ranke
See Lindley's Basic BetterPholio™
Response 3:Hello Lindley, Thanks for your comments. Indeed, this place is more than magic. We woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning to drive about 2 hours, start walking the mountain and just wait for the early morning light. The light was beautiful (on the stone heads) but the sky... alex - alexander decoster
See alexander's Basic BetterPholio™
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New Photo Discussion 3: Eiffel tower. France.
Hello Lyn Happy to see you are back again. Missed you. I love this technique. Alex - alexander decoster
See alexander's Basic BetterPholio™
Response 1:Fantastic POV and tone. Awesome capture and presentation, Lyn! - Dave Montero
See Dave's Basic BetterPholio™
Response 2:I love this Lyn. The sepia and texture gives a real old world feel :) - Jana Foster
See Jana's Basic BetterPholio™
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The Next Step: Where to Go From Here
Until next time, thanks for reading and keep having fun with photography!
Jim Miotke
BetterPhoto.com, Inc.
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