Hi ,
I just wanted to express my gratitude and say thank you.
You really are amazing. I believe in you and your abilities.
For one thing, you're part of this great group of people we have brought together
here at BetterPhoto. This BetterPhoto community is awe-inspiring, supportive, and
genuinely helpful, not to mention wonderfully talented.
That is a very rare thing in the world - and your participation and involvement are
much appreciated.
And remember...
You're doing everything right.
I recommend writing that down.
"I'm doing everything right."
Remind yourself from time to time, because it's true: you are doing everything right.
Jim Miotke
Founder, BetterPhoto.com
I just wanted to express my gratitude and say thank you.
You really are amazing. I believe in you and your abilities.
For one thing, you're part of this great group of people we have brought together
here at BetterPhoto. This BetterPhoto community is awe-inspiring, supportive, and
genuinely helpful, not to mention wonderfully talented.
That is a very rare thing in the world - and your participation and involvement are
much appreciated.
And remember...
You're doing everything right.
I recommend writing that down.
"I'm doing everything right."
Remind yourself from time to time, because it's true: you are doing everything right.
Jim Miotke
Founder, BetterPhoto.com
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