Wednesday, 2 February 2011

PhotoFlash #94 - School Kicks Off Today! 10 Ways to Take Sharper Digital Photos! Discussions

PhotoFlash - Free Monthly Newsletter for 35mm Film Photographers

Welcome to the 94th issue of PhotoFlash


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In this issue of Photoshop, don't miss instructor Jim Zuckerman's excellent article - "10 Ways to Take Sharper Digital Photos!" - and an inspiring collection of photo discussions.

That's it for now. Have fun with your photography!

Kerry Drager
Newsletter Editor

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In This Issue: Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Featured Photo: Upon Our Clouded Hills

Upon Our Clouded Hills
Upon Our Clouded Hills

Although I was going to photograph the facade of St. Ignatius on Christmas Eve, I was excited when I found this spot by accident. What else could be better than a landmark building and its reflection! All I had to do was just to wait until the perfect timing of the very slim time slot. After the sunset, the building is lit up but the sky must not be pitch black. I could not miss this chance since more rainy days were expected from the next day. My patience paid off.

© Alex T. Mizuno

Canon EOS 40D Digi...


Featured Article: 10 Ways to Take Sharper Digital Photos!
No matter how incredible your photo opportunity is, if the images are not sharp, nothing else matters, says pro instructor Jim Zuckerman. "Too often, images are almost sharp, and this is particularly vexing because if only you had paid attention to one tiny detail or two, they would be perfect." Read Jim Z's excellent BetterPhoto article on how to get sharper pictures...

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Be Part of Something Special ...What an exciting goal that Ansel Adams had: Create a masterpiece every month! Now BetterPhoto is paying homage to this legendary photographer with the launch of our Masterpiece of the Month Membership.

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New Photo Discussions

New Photo Discussion 1: The Egg and I

The Egg and I
The Egg and I
Canon 300 f/4 @ F/4 ISO=100! Waiting for Egg laying! Shot this photo at the Venice Rookery!

© Wayne T. Fisk

Canon EOS 7D Digit...
What a beautiful pair of great blue herons you captured Congrats!
- Deborah Sandidge

See Deborah Sandidge's Basic BetterPholio™

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Response 1:Thanks very much, Debbie! Your positive words keep me going!
- Wayne T. Fisk

See Wayne's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 2: Prius Family Tree

Prius Family Tree
Prius Family Tree
Detroit Auto Show; 2907; 01eod ep

© Kathy Wesserling

Canon EOS 50D Digi...
WOW! Wonderful lines and DDR, Kathryn! Terrific job!
- Laura E. Swan

See Laura's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Thanks, Laura. This was an extraordinary display. The "trunk" and "branches" were a strobed (?) lighting setup on which sequential writings occurred. This was the one second during which there was no writing. Very little Post-Prod, here.

Settings: 1/160, F/5.6, I-100, 100mm. My 580Ex II was attached, but it may or may not have gone off here.
- Kathy Wesserling

See Kathy's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 2:Eye catching shot with amazing design elements, Kathryn!!
- Melissa Gurdus

See Melissa's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 3: Lines and Shadows

Lines and Shadows
Lines and Shadows
Dock at Fort Snelling State Park, MN. Experimentation with shallow of my fave ways to create an interesting visual effect. Canon EFS 55-250 lens.

© Darlene M Grover

Canon EOS Digital ...
I can only imagine how proud you must be feeling right now. What wonderful news! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
- Merna L. Nobile

See Merna's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Hi Merna..thanks so much!! Yes it's wonderful and feels great making it to Finalist :))
- Darlene M Grover

See Darlene's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 4: Going Up

Going Up
Going Up
Have a great day, friends!!!

© Ellen Hodges
Canon EOS 7D Digit...
Love the colors and comp, Ellen. Well seen and great capture.
- Tammy M. Anderson

See Tammy's Basic BetterPholio™

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Response 1:The lighting and colors really attracted my attention. I love the way the horizontal lines of the rail are at a upward slant that lets us get the feeling of going up. The swirled lines of the rail give a beautiful decorative look to it. The pattern and lines of the brick wall and the snow sitting a top part of the rail give a wonderful look to the picture. Great eye to see this my dear friend. Gorgeous.
Annie and I hope your day is a great one.
- frank w. degenhardt

See frank's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 5: On the slope

On the slope
On the slope

Picture was taken at Papiliorama in Kerzers/Switzerland.
Canon EF 100 mm f/2.8 IS macro lens, handheld.
Raw conversion and postprocessing in DPP and CS3.

© Katarina Mansson

Canon EOS 7D Digit...
Oh, it's a beauty, Katarina! Such sharp detail, and your close-up brings us to see the intricate creation that the butterfly is! You are having your own series, and just amazing for sure! Keep them coming!
- Sarah A. Christian

See Sarah's Basic BetterPholio™

Visit - Sarah's Deluxe BetterPholio™

Response 1:gorgeous shot
- Joy Rector

See Joy's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 2:Great macro! Love the comp.
- Philippe Vieux-Jeanton

See Philippe's Basic BetterPholio™

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New Photo Discussion 6: Refractions & Collisions

Refractions & Collisions
Refractions & Collisions
Used 2 strobes. One with a red gel and bounced off a white b/g. Only did basic pp to the raw file and cleaned up a few straggler water drops in PS.

© Susan Candelario

Canon EOS 50D Digi...
Wow!! Fantastic work, Susan! Your mastery and photographic skill are very evident in this image!!!
- Susana Heide - Thiessen

See Susana's Basic BetterPholio™

Response 1:Susan, to see this is to acknowledge your mastery of the waterdrop technique and capture. Good luck with this!

- Usman Bajwa

See Usman's Basic BetterPholio™

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The Next Step: Where to Go From Here

Until next time, thanks for reading and keep having fun with photography!
Jim Miotke, Inc.


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