The long-awaited BetterPhoto 2.0 is going to be even better because of the first wave of survey responses.
If you filled out my survey, THANK YOU! (If you haven't yet, click the link and let me know your feelings).
So many great responses... over 770 so far!!
I've read every response, and I am loving the feedback... both praise and constructive comments.
Here are a few of the top things you're telling me...
Most of you are:
* Wanting to improve and learn how to make better photos
* Wishing you could get good, helpful feedback
* Worrying about image theft (this one really surprised me... so many are worried about this... but it makes sense)
* Asking how you can grow your audience
* Hoping the navigation at BetterPhoto will improve
I am thrilled to tell you that the new site will indeed have better navigation AND a lot of new features you're going to love. You'll learn more, enjoy more ways to WIN, and feel more inspired. You'll feel even more motivated to push aside all the distractions so you can make great photos!
A grand new day is upon us.
In the next couple of weeks, I'll be sharing with you great new stuff to help you make the most out of the new BP2.0 - stay tuned, go out and take some pictures, and have fun making amazing photographs!
Jim Miotke, Inc.
P.S. It's not too late to take my brief survey. Tell me how you feel about showing your photography on a website like the new and improved BetterPhoto before it's too late... here's the link:
(BTW, if the above link doesn't work for you when you try to click it, just copy and paste it into a browser).
P.P.S. To all who filled out this quick survey, I really appreciate your input. Thank you for helping me add value to your online photography experience.
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