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Welcome to the 667th issue of SnapShot! Hello,
Start taking your photography - or your Photoshop skills - to the next level! BetterPhoto's interactive online courses are truly MOTIVATING! You'll get direct access to TOP PROFESSIONALS. The new school session kicks off next week (March 5th). See our listings of 8-week courses and 2-week and 4-week classes. In this issue of SnapShot, two BetterPhoto instructors tackle two important subjects: camera angle (Jim Zuckerman) and vacation photography (Lynne Eodice). That's it for this week. Have fun with your photography! Kerry Drager Newsletter Editor
Articles by BetterPhoto Instructors: Jim Zuckerman shares tips - and photos! - on the virtues of photographing from a low camera angle. Lynne Eodice offers techniques on creative capturing your friends and family on trips.
Photo Q&A: Purchasing a New Lens... Hi Everyone, I have a Canon T1i, which I love! But for a gift, my husband bought me a fisheye, and wide-angle lenses. I have 2 lenses, 18-55 & 55-250. Is there a better lens than what I have? Thank you! - Brenda S. Gibson
ANSWER: There's not really a right answer to your question, without knowing what your main shooting interests are. Ultra-wide angle is a unique (and sometimes challenging) focal length; personally, I love it. Your 18 - 250 range from your two lenses covers a lot of useful ranges for travel, walk-about, etc., but may not adequately handle macro, and wouldn't be as useful for say, bird photography, etc. - Christopher J. Budny
Read this Q&A at BetterPhoto.com...