Wednesday, May 30, 2012 TESTIMONIAL OF THE WEEK "I learned a lot in this class - the importance of going in closer and closer on a subject, the importance of light, and most important for me, to put people in my images. I usually didn't do that. ... But in this course I learned how important this can be. Thank you, Denise!" -Utila Matzke, student in Denise Miotke's Travel and Landscape Photography: Better Photos of Places
CLASSES START JUNE 6TH! MASTER PHOTOGRAPHER TRAINING... NEWEST BOOK BY JIM MIOTKE AND KERRY DRAGER! THIS WEEK'S TIP Composition Tip: Take One Last Look in Viewfinder By Kerry Drager It's easy to get so wrapped up in composing your shot that you miss the "extra" things (in other words, distractions!) that can slip into an image. Assuming fast-changing light or a moving subject doesn't demand quick action, then perform this inspection in the viewfinder or in LCD playback: Scan things from border to border, corner to corner. What to look for: -Distractions: These include "hot spots" (sunlit glare or reflections), stray branches or pieces of litter, out-of-focus objects in an otherwise all-sharp picture, and out-of-place bright colors in subdued scenes. Remember: The brightest, lightest, or most colorful part of an image will attract the viewer's eye first - often a problem if that area is NOT your picture's main subject. -Merges: The oft-cited example of a merge is a tree or pole sprouting out of someone's head. But a merge also can be any separate subject or same-color object that overlaps another one in a visually distracting way. Check, too, for a key element that touches - or almost touches - the edge of the picture frame; adjust your image to give that item "breathing room." -Lastly: Besides a static scene, this process works most efficiently with a tripod! - Need more on photo design, light, and color? Then see BetterPhoto's courses on composition and this new book: The BetterPhoto Guide to Creative Digital Photography.
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Welcome to the 579th issue of SnapShot! Hello,
The big news today involves something that won't even take place for another week: the June 6th launch of BetterPhoto's next school session! In an online photography course at BetterPhoto, you'll have fun and learn a lot - without the expense of an on-location workshop. Check out the listings of June 4-week classes. By the way, if you enroll in advance - i.e., today! - you can get started with an early lesson. Too soon? The next 8-week course session kicks off on July 11th. In this issue of SnapShot, we spotlight the work of two master instructors at BetterPhoto's online photography school. Check out Peter Burian's Featured Article ("Consider a Multi-Purpose Zoom Lens"), Deb Sandidge's Featured Blog ("Travel Photography in Cuba - Santiago at Night!"), and my own Photo Tip ("Composition Tip: Take One Last Look in Viewfinder"). That's it for now. Have fun with your photography! Kerry Drager Newsletter Editor
Updates From BetterPhoto Traveling light? An extremely versatile 18-200mm - or similar zoom - would be a fine choice for most any subject that you're likely to encounter. That's the word from BetterPhoto instructor Peter Burian. Read his excellent article! Instructor Deborah Sandidge is a big fan of photographing at night - everything seems magical. Read her blog and see an eye-catching photo! If you've been hitting a wall lately, then we have a great way to get inspired! For example, for BetterPhoto's daily dose of visual inspiration, check out our free Photo of the Day newsletter. Sign up now at our subscription page... | Unsubscribe | Change Email Address | SnapShot Archives | Recommend to a Friend
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