Sunday, September 26, 2010 IN THIS ISSUE Featured Gallery Welcome Note This Week's Tip Updates From BetterPhoto Q&A 1: HDR images...
TESTIMONIAL OF THE WEEK "I learned so much from this course and I feel I am starting to get a handle on my camera and have much more confidence! ... Simon Stafford does an outstanding job explaining the material and providing feedback. I am having a lot of fun taking BetterPhoto courses and will be taking many more!" -Keith S. Safford, student in Composition - The Essentials
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THIS WEEK'S TIP Fisheye Photography: Create Some Wild Images! A fish eye lens is a great way to give your photographic art a jump start. As BetterPhoto instructor Deborah Sandidge agrees, and calls it a wonderful artistic tool for photographers. Read more here...
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Welcome to the 492nd issue of SnapShot! Hello,
Imagine taking your photography skills to new and exciting levels. How awesome would that be?!? At BetterPhoto, our online photo courses offer personal interaction with top professionals! The next 4-week school kicks off on October 6th, and these courses are fun, fast, and to the point. But if you enroll now, you can get started with an early lesson! See the class schedule here... ... In this issue, be sure to check out the work of Jim Zuckerman ("Get Great Pictures: Evening Balloon Glow Photography") and Deborah Sandidge ("Fisheye Photography: Create Some Wild Images!"). ... That's it for now. Have fun with your photography! Kerry Drager Newsletter Editor Where is Jim Miotke? Follow BetterPhoto's founder and president on Twitter - BetterPhotoJim - and in his blog:
Updates From BetterPhoto There are many awesome reasons to jump into a BetterPhoto online course. Here are 10 of them... Hot air ballooning events - including balloon festivals - are amazing visual opportunities for photographers. One type of photo involves the balloon glow, and as BetterPhoto instructor Jim Zuckerman says, it can be a challenge too. Read his how-to-do-it blog here... If you enjoy creatively photographing nature, animals, travel, landscapes, people, etc., then you'll love BetterPhoto's Masterpiece of the Month Membership.
Photo Q&A 1: HDR images
Is it possible to make an HDR (High Dynamic Range) image from one Raw image? Or do you need several images? - Mike Howe
ANSWER 1: Yes. Not much difference than the expected way of taking several photos of different exposures. Raw file converters have exposure adjustments. Or you could pull detail out of different areas, which is another way of saying lightening or darkening areas. I'm sure there are several programs out there (tone mapping, etc.) that will do a large part of the work for you. It's just the dynamic range is greater with using several photos.
- Gregory La Grange
ANSWER 2: Topaz Adjust has a single image HDR preset. You have to play around with it a bit, but it d oes a fairly good impression of an HDR shot.
- Carolyn Fletcher
ANSWER 3: Hi Mike - You can quite easily make an HDR image from a single Raw file (and in fact, while the dynamic range may not be as strong as combining different files of varying exposure levels, you have the advantage of not having to worry about aligning the images, motion distortion, etc.) The trick is to create multiple different files of varying exposure levels from the same source file. When I create an HDR image from a single file, I typically save anywhere from 3-5 TIFF files of the same source image but with varied exposure levels (e.g., -4, -2, 0, +2, +4). Specifically, I open the source image in Adobe Raw, adjust the exposure level to the desired amount (leaving all the other adjustments levers constant), save the file as a .tif, then repeat the same process until I have 3-5 .tif files all of the same image, but with different exposures. If you use Photomatix, you sim ply have to load these exposure-adjusted files and go through the HDR process the same way you would if you had multiple images. As with all HDR images, once you are done tone mapping in Photomatix, you can reopen in Photoshop and make additional adjustments as desired (e.g., noise reduction, sharpening, curves, etc.) One disadvantage of the single-file HDR method is that it tends to produce much noiser images in the shadow areas. Hope that helps!
- Ryan Murphy Read this Q&A at
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